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India’s Road Safety Crisis: Government’s Aggressive Push to Halve Fatalities by 2030

In a country grappling with a high number of road fatalities, the Government of India has unveiled an ambitious plan to reduce road accident deaths by 50% by 2030. The latest data from the Police Departments of States and Union Territories reveal a troubling trend:

  • 2018: 1,57,593 fatalities
  • 2019: 1,58,984 fatalities
  • 2020: 1,38,383 fatalities
  • 2021: 1,53,972 fatalities
  • 2022: 1,68,491 fatalities

Despite slight fluctuations, the overall number of fatalities remains alarmingly high.

Multi-Faceted Approach: The 4E Strategy

In alignment with the Stockholm Declaration, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has adopted a comprehensive 4E strategy — Education, Engineering, Enforcement, and Emergency Care — to tackle this critical issue.

Education Initiatives

  • Road Safety Advocacy Scheme: Provides financial assistance to agencies for road safety awareness programs.
  • National Road Safety Month/Week: An annual observance to promote road safety.
  • Driving Training Centers: Establishing Institutes of Driving Training & Research (IDTRs), Regional Driving Training Centers (RDTCs), and Driving Training Centers (DTCs) nationwide.

Engineering Measures

  • Road Engineering:
  • Mandatory Road Safety Audits: Conducted by third-party experts at all stages of highway development.
  • Black Spot Rectification: Identifying and fixing accident-prone areas.
  • Road Safety Officers: Appointed in each regional office to ensure compliance and report on highway conditions biannually.
  • Electronic Detailed Accident Report (e-DAR) Project: A centralized system for road accident data management.
  • Enhanced Signage: Improved visibility and guidance on expressways and highways.
  • Motor Vehicles Act Provisions: Compliance with central government standards for road design and maintenance.
  • Vehicle Engineering:
  • Mandatory Safety Features: Airbags, safety measures for children, and specific technologies like Seat Belt Reminders and Reverse Parking Alert Systems in certain vehicle categories.
  • Anti-Lock Braking Systems: Required for various vehicle classes.
  • Speed Limiting Devices: Mandated in all transport vehicles, with certain exemptions.
  • Automated Testing Stations: Rules for vehicle fitness testing and certification.
  • Vehicle Scrapping Policy: Incentives to phase out old, unfit, and polluting vehicles.
  • Model Inspection Centers: One in each State/UT for automated fitness testing.
  • Bharat New Car Assessment Program (BNCAP): Safety rating system for passenger cars.
  • Manufacturing Regulations: Guidelines for bus manufacturing by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
  • Air-Conditioning in Goods Vehicles: Mandatory from October 2025.

Enforcement Efforts

  • Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019: Stricter penalties and enhanced deterrence for traffic violations.
  • Electronic Monitoring: Detailed rules for the placement of enforcement devices on high-risk corridors and critical junctions in cities with populations over one million.
  • Technological Interventions: Advisory issued to States and Union Territories to ensure compliance with the Motor Vehicle Act.

Emergency Care

  • Good Samaritan Protection: Legal safeguards for individuals providing emergency assistance to accident victims.
  • Enhanced Compensation: Increased financial support for hit-and-run victims.
  • Ambulances at Toll Plazas: Equipped with paramedical staff on completed National Highway corridors.
  • Pilot Program for Cashless Treatment: Implemented in collaboration with the National Health Authority (NHA) in Chandigarh and Assam.

Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, emphasized the government’s commitment to road safety in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha. As India marches towards its 2030 target, these measures mark a significant step in addressing the nation’s road safety crisis.

S. NoTraffic Rule ViolationsNumber of fatalities in 2022
2Drunken Driving/ Consumption of alcohol & drug4,201
3Driving on Wrong side9,094
4Jumping Red Light1,462
5Use of Mobile Phone3,395

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