New Delhi, April 30, 2024 – In a significant advancement in road safety, Maruti Suzuki India Limited has wrapped up a successful pilot program aimed at training commercial drivers in emergency first aid and trauma care. This initiative, in collaboration with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and the International Road Federation (IRF), trained approximately 8,500 individuals, empowering them with essential life-saving skills.
The training was conducted at the Maruti Suzuki Institute of Driving and Traffic Research (IDTR) facilities located in Haryana, Delhi, and Bihar. Participants underwent comprehensive emergency care training at these facilities in conjunction with the Jai Prakash Narayan-AIIMS Trauma Center, Delhi. The program specifically targeted the crucial “golden hour,” the first hour after a road accident, during which timely medical intervention can dramatically reduce mortality rates.

Dr. Amit Gupta, Professor of Trauma Surgery and Critical Care at JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS, stressed the importance of training bystanders, particularly commercial drivers who are often the first on scene in road accidents. “Training bystanders in basic trauma and first aid is crucial given the time-sensitive nature of trauma care. We have received positive feedback for using WHO-standardized first-aid modules during our sessions at IDTRs,” he said.
Rahul Bharti, Executive Officer of Corporate Affairs at Maruti Suzuki, elaborated on the company’s commitment to road safety. “Our road safety strategy is built on the foundation of the 4Es: Engineering, Education, Evaluation, and Enforcement, and now we are adding a crucial fifth E, Emergency care,” said Bharti. He noted that the program aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3 and emphasizes the training of drivers to be effective first responders, a vital role during the golden hour following accidents.
The First Responder Training Program includes critical life-saving techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), controlling bleeding, proper helmet removal, and the use of splints and slings. Participants also learned to swiftly activate emergency response systems, enhancing their ability to improve survival rates after accidents.
Maruti Suzuki continues to focus on reducing road accident fatalities, particularly among Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists, who made up 66.9% of road accident fatalities in 2022. This pioneering program not only equips drivers with practical, hands-on interventions to manage trauma and injuries but also supports the Good Samaritan Law, encouraging bystanders to help accident victims without fear of legal repercussions.