In an effort to tackle intercultural challenges with a splash of innovation, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group, along with the cheeky support of Accenture, have thrown open the doors to the 2024 cycle of the Intercultural Innovation Hub (IIH).
Dubbed as the playground for global grassroots organizations, the IIH is where dreams of connectivity, empowerment, and elevation come to life. Forget boring boardrooms and stale strategies; here, it’s all about shaking hands across borders, empowering the little guys, and elevating intercultural innovation to superhero status.

If you’re a do-gooder with a project aimed at championing diversity, sticking it to xenophobia, or just generally making the world a better, more inclusive place, then pack your bags (or just dust off your laptop) and head over to the application portal before the clock strikes midnight on March 25, 2024.
But what’s in it for you, you ask? Oh, just a cool USD 20,000 in financial support to turn your project into the next big thing, a year-long capacity-building program that’s like a crash course in world-changing wizardry, and a golden ticket to an exclusive global platform where you’ll rub elbows with other movers and shakers.
So, if you’re ready to turn your passion for social change into a full-blown revolution (with a side of fun), then don’t miss your chance to join the coolest club in town. Apply now at and get ready to change the world, one smile (and one dollar) at a time!