In a grand gesture of diplomatic camaraderie, Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with a lavish gift – a top-of-the-line Russian-made Aurus Senat limousine. This luxurious gesture was confirmed by officials from both countries.
North Korean state media broke the news this Tuesday, revealing that the swanky Russian vehicle was handed over to DPRK authorities just this past Sunday.

Adding a personal touch to the story, Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of Kim Jong-un and a high-ranking public relations official in Pyongyang, described the gift as “a clear demonstration of the special personal relationship” shared between Putin and her brother. This high-end automotive present symbolizes the strengthening ties between the two leaders.
Recalling a notable encounter, the two leaders met in person last September when Kim Jong-un toured various civilian and military facilities in Russia’s Far East. During this visit, Putin showed off two Russian-made Aurus state cars at the Vostochny cosmodrome.
The Aurus brand, known for its luxury, was launched by the Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute (NAMI) in 2018. It gained international fame when Putin used an Aurus vehicle in his motorcade during a Helsinki visit.
The gifting of the Aurus Senat to Kim Jong-un is reminiscent of a moment from last year’s visit to Russia, where Putin invited Kim to experience the plush interiors of his Aurus Senat. Interestingly, Kim arrived in a Maybach limousine, brought along on a special train from North Korea.
While initially designed for state officials, Aurus expanded its reach with the launch of its first civilian model, the Senat, in May 2021. Expanding its global footprint, the brand started production in the United Arab Emirates last year, marking a significant step in the luxury car market.