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Suzuki Achieves Remarkable Growth in Production, Sales, and Exports for June and First Half of 2024

Suzuki Motor Corporation reported significant growth in its production, sales, and exports for June and the first half of 2024. In June, production in Japan saw a substantial year-on-year increase, driven by a boost in production for both domestic and overseas markets. This growth reflects Suzuki’s strong performance and strategic planning. However, overseas production experienced a decline, with key markets such as India and Hungary reporting decreased output, which impacted the overall numbers.

Sales in Japan for June marked a notable year-on-year rise, driven by higher sales in both mini vehicles and standard and small vehicles categories. This growth in the domestic market indicates strong consumer confidence and the appeal of Suzuki’s vehicle lineup. Overseas markets also witnessed an upsurge in sales, with notable contributions from India, Europe, Pakistan, and the Middle East. India, in particular, achieved record-high sales for June, underscoring the brand’s strong presence and popularity in the region. Exports also grew year-on-year, with a significant rise in Completely Knocked Down (CKD) exports, indicating the brand’s expanding global footprint and the rising demand for Suzuki vehicles worldwide.

For the first half of 2024, production in Japan continued its upward trajectory with a year-on-year increase. The sustained growth in production for both domestic and overseas markets highlights Suzuki’s operational efficiency and strategic market expansion. Overseas production also showed a year-on-year rise, driven by record-high production levels in India for the January to June period. This milestone reflects India’s critical role in Suzuki’s global production strategy.

The Japanese market saw a year-on-year increase in sales during the first half of 2024. Both mini vehicles and standard and small vehicles categories experienced growth, with the latter marking record-high sales for the period. This success illustrates Suzuki’s strong market positioning and consumer loyalty in Japan. Overseas sales continued their upward trend, bolstered by increased production in key markets such as India, Europe, and the Middle East. India and the Middle East, in particular, recorded their highest-ever sales for the January to June period, highlighting Suzuki’s growing influence and market penetration in these regions. Exports for the first half of 2024 showed a year-on-year increase, driven by growth in both Completely Built Units (CBU) and CKD exports. This rise demonstrates the company’s expanding export capabilities and the global demand for its vehicles.

Suzuki’s performance in June and the first half of 2024 underscores the company’s resilience and strategic growth across production, sales, and exports. The significant achievements in key markets like Japan and India highlight the brand’s strong market presence and its ability to meet global demand. As Suzuki continues to innovate and expand, the automotive giant is well-positioned for sustained growth and success in the global market.



Global production234,83096.1%Down for the first time in six months
Japan production85,324106.1%Up for the fifth consecutive month
Overseas production149,50691.2%Down for the first time in six months
 India133,00797.1%Down for the first time in six months
 Others16,49961.2%Down for the 16th consecutive month

*Overseas production: Units completed at overseas plants that exclude CKD units from Japan

*Japan production: Complete built-up (CBU) units that include OEM units + complete knocked-down (CKD) units


Global sales260,577105.4%Up for the sixth consecutive month
Japan sales58,784109.4%Up for the sixth consecutive month
 Mini vehicles48,580109.6%Up for the sixth consecutive month
 Standard and
small vehicles
10,204108.5%Up for the sixth consecutive month
Overseas sales201,793104.3%Up for the sixth consecutive month
 India139,918102.9%Up for the sixth consecutive month
 Others61,875107.8%Up for the sixth consecutive month

*India: Indian domestic wholesales figures.

*Minivehicle: Small-sized car unique to Japan with an overall length of 3.4m or less, an overall width of 1.48m or less, an overall height of 2m or less, and an engine displacement of 660cc or less.

*Standard and small vehicle: Car that exceeds the above minivehicle specification.

<January to June 2024>


 Jan. – June
Apr. – June
Global production1,676,182105.7%Up for the fourth consecutive period803,357106.6%
Japan production519,132111.0%Up for the second consecutive period255,149116.6%
Overseas production1,157,050103.4%Up for the first time in two periods548,208102.5%
 India1,045,279108.6%Up for the fourth consecutive period495,749107.2%
 Others111,77171.3%Down for the second consecutive period52,45972.3%

*Overseas production: Units completed at overseas plants that exclude CKD units from Japan

*Japan production: Complete built-up (CBU) units that include OEM units + complete knocked-down (CKD) units


 Jan. – June
Apr. – June
Global sales1,669,606109.7%Up for the fourth consecutive period784,420107.1%
Japan sales375,292113.9%Up for the second consecutive period170,185114.8%
 Mini vehicles305,600114.9%Up for the second consecutive period140,411115.7%
 Standard and
small vehicles
69,692109.7%Up for the second consecutive period29,774110.7%
Overseas sales1,294,314108.5%Up for the fourth consecutive period614,235105.2%
 India917,001106.5%Up for the fourth consecutive period427,060101.2%
 Others377,313113.8%Up for the first time in two periods187,175115.7%

*India: Indian domestic wholesales figures.

*Minivehicle: Small-sized car unique to Japan with an overall length of 3.4m or less, an overall width of 1.48m or less, an overall height of 2m or less, and an engine displacement of 660cc or less.

*Standard and small vehicle: Car that exceeds the above minivehicle specification.

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